#1 Solar Company in Nevada, California & North Carolina

Residential Solar Panel Installation in Orlando, FL

Unlock the potential of solar energy in Orlando, FL, with Construct Sun. Our residential solar panel installations offer a modern solution to energy consumption, helping you reduce utility costs while enhancing your home's efficiency.

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Premier Residential Solar Company Serving Orlando, FL

Choose Orlando's top residential solar company, Construct Sun, for cutting-edge solar solutions tailored to your home's needs. Benefit from our expertise in providing long-lasting, efficient solar energy systems. We offer high-quality solar panels that are not only efficient but also durable, ensuring that your home benefits from advanced solar technology for years to come.
Solar panels on the roof

High-Quality Solar Panels For Your Homes In Orlando, FL

Construct Sun brings you the latest in solar panel technology. Our high-quality panels are engineered to capture maximum sunlight and convert it into usable energy efficiently. These panels are built to withstand the diverse weather conditions of Orlando, ensuring longevity and consistent performance. With a sleek design and minimal visual impact, these panels complement the aesthetics of your home while providing a reliable power source.

Make Your Home More Sustainable and Energy-Efficient With Residential Solar Panels Installation from Construct Sun

Embrace a future where your home operates more efficiently with our residential solar panels. At Construct Sun, we don't just install panels; we integrate a complete solar solution tailored to the unique architecture of your home and your energy consumption needs. This integration goes beyond energy savings. It’s about providing a sustainable power alternative that ensures your home remains powered even in times of energy grid fluctuations.
Photo aerial view of house with solar roof clean energy

How Our Residential Solar Solution Helps

From significantly reducing your energy expenses to enhancing your independence and boosting your property's value, our solar panels are a smart investment in your home's future. Here's how:

Reduce Energy Expenses

Our solar panels are a gateway to significantly lowering your energy bills. By harnessing solar power, you can reduce reliance on the grid and enjoy lower electricity costs. Over time, these savings can be substantial, making solar panels a smart financial investment for the future.


Solar panels give you the power to produce your own energy. This self-sufficiency means you are less impacted by power outages and energy price hikes. It's a step towards an autonomous lifestyle where you have more control over your energy usage.

Upgrade Property Worth

Installing solar panels can substantially increase your home's value. In today's real estate market, properties with solar installations are often more appealing, as they promise energy efficiency and potential cost savings. This makes them a preferred choice for many homebuyers seeking modern and efficient living spaces.

Benefits Of Our Home Solar Panel Systems In Orlando, FL

From financial gains to increased independence, here’s a look at the key advantages our solar panel systems offer to Orlando homeowners:

Cost Savings

The primary benefit of installing solar panels is the significant reduction in energy costs. By generating your own power, you can see a noticeable decrease in your monthly utility bills.

Energy Independence

Free yourself from complete dependence on utility companies. Solar panels provide a reliable and consistent energy source, protecting you from fluctuating energy costs.

Lower Maintenance Costs

Our solar panels are designed with durability in mind, requiring minimal maintenance. This means fewer worries and expenses over the life of your solar system.

Increased Home Value

Homes equipped with solar energy systems often see an increase in value, making them more attractive in the property market. This increase in value can be a significant advantage if you plan to sell your home in the future.

solar panels on the house roof

Choose Reliability And Sustainability With Construct Sun's Residential Solar Panels. Schedule A Consultation Today!

Opt for a smarter, more efficient way of living with Construct Sun. Our team is ready to guide you through every step of the transition to solar power, ensuring a smooth and satisfying experience. Schedule a consultation today to discover how our solar solutions can be tailored to meet the unique energy needs of your Orlando home.

Cost of Residential Solar Panel Installation in Orlando, FL

While the initial cost of installation varies based on your home's size and energy requirements, our team at Construct Sun ensures transparency in pricing. We offer detailed consultations to provide accurate estimates, ensuring you understand the investment and the long-term savings it entails. Our goal is to make solar panel installation a viable and affordable option for homeowners in Orlando.

Why You Should Choose Construct Sun For Your Residential Solar Energy System

Selecting Construct Sun for your residential solar energy system means choosing a partner dedicated to optimizing your home's energy potential. Here’s why we stand out in the solar industry:
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Our team brings years of experience and deep knowledge in solar energy systems, ensuring that your installation is handled professionally.

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Competitive Pricing

We believe in making solar energy accessible, which is why we offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality or service.

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Customer Service

Our commitment to exceptional customer service means we’re here to support you before, during, and after installation.

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Customized Solutions

Every home is unique, and so are its energy needs. We specialize in creating solar solutions that are tailored to fit the specific requirements of your home.


Navigating the world of residential solar panel installation can bring up a lot of questions. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions we encounter.

How much does residential solar panel installation cost?

The cost varies based on factors like your home’s size and energy needs. At Construct Sun, we offer a free initial consultation to provide you with a tailored quote, ensuring you understand the investment and potential savings.

What is the process for solar panel installation?

At Construct Sun, we’ve refined our installation process to be thorough yet straightforward, ensuring you get the best service without any complications. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown:
  1. Initial Consultation: Your journey begins with a consultation where we discuss your energy needs and preferences. This is a great opportunity for you to ask questions and for us to understand your expectations and requirements.
  2. Site Evaluation: Next, we conduct a detailed site evaluation. This involves assessing your property’s layout, roof condition, sun exposure, and any potential shading issues. This assessment is crucial in determining the optimal placement and configuration of your solar panels.
  3. Custom Design: Based on the site evaluation, our experts design a solar panel system that maximizes energy production while considering aesthetics. We provide you with a proposed design, including the type and number of panels and their arrangement.
  4. Installation: Our skilled installation team then takes over. They are equipped to handle all aspects of the installation process, from mounting the panels to wiring the system. Safety, efficiency, and respect for your property are our top priorities during this phase.
  5. Follow-up Support: After the installation, we don’t just walk away. We provide comprehensive follow-up support to ensure your system is functioning correctly. This includes monitoring system performance and addressing any questions or concerns you might have post-installation.
  6. Ongoing Maintenance: While solar panels require minimal maintenance, we’re available to provide periodic check-ups and any necessary cleaning or repairs to keep your system in top condition.

How long does residential solar panel installation take to complete?

Generally, installations take a few days to a week, depending on the complexity and scale of your project. Our team works diligently to minimize disruptions to your daily life.

How much energy can I expect to generate with solar panels?

Energy generation depends on factors like panel placement and local weather conditions. During your consultation, we’ll provide an estimate of energy production specific to your home.

Will solar panels installed affect my home's aesthetic?

Our solar panels are designed to blend seamlessly with your home’s architecture. We prioritize both functionality and aesthetics, ensuring our panels complement your home’s look.

Are there any maintenance requirements for residential solar panels?

Solar panels require minimal maintenance. We’ll guide you on simple upkeep practices to ensure your system’s longevity and efficiency.

Are residential solar panels eligible for any incentives or tax credits?

Yes, homeowners can benefit from various federal and state incentives and tax credits for solar panel installations. Our team will provide up-to-date information and assist you in navigating these benefits.
Photo of a Family beside solar panels

What Our Clients Say

At Construct Sun, we take great pride in the satisfaction and positive feedback we receive from our clients. Here’s what some of our valued customers in Orlando, FL have to say about their journey with us:

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